Almost everyone owns a smart phone or other recording device, so share an audio of Zen inspired music, a soundscape that transforms the ordinary into an example of thusness, a heartfelt true story or tale, or a joke or two that effortlessly provides the means that transport us to the blessed world of hilarity.
1. The Tale of Zen Master Bho Li Audio authored and read by Barbara Verkuilen. Enjoy Master Bho Li’s story told while viewing Aaron Gilmore’s true-to-story illustrations in the printed book. – Download
2. Music in the Moment submitted by Chris Hyatt. Eleven pieces of music from near and far that take one to the edge of inconceivability. Print out the PDF explanation before listening.(Check out the Tibetan Monks and the Crickets) – Download
3. Zen and Farming Two intrepid Zen students discuss their association with land and animals. – Download
4. Eiheiji/Sojiji Heart Sutra – Download