The Midwest Soto Zen Community presently has in one zendo in operation, and in the near future, will have two additional zendos offering Zen training. We are in the planning stage on what the form and emphasis of each zendo’s offerings will be. For now, the Schedule and Offering pages refer just to the Joyous Lake Zendo. The website will be modified as events proceed.
Joyous Lake Zendo – Middleton, WI
The Joyous Lake Zendo, under the leadership of Lay Entrustee Suzanne Hoju Shoff, relocated to a 170 year-old modernized lakeside cottage, perfect for our Sangha, providing everything needed for practice, study, and social events. Kurt Jacobsen carved the sign located at the entrance and provided the background information that is the inspiration of the name.
Coming Soon
Zen Meeting Group in Minneapolis, MN
Lay Entrustee Doug Keijō Mead is planning to open a new Zazen/Study Group in Minneapolis.
Flower Ornament Zendo – Fitchburg, WI
Lay Entrustee Karin Shōkū Jacobson will offer Zazen instruction and sutra study.